Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The ABC Board of Trustees is comprised of representatives from

aviation and aerospace manufacturers insured by the ABC Program

The role of the Board is to continually improve the program's processes and coverage forms, and they stay

in close contact with the lead underwriters, coordinating broker, and lead counsel.

Additionally, they:

  • Monitor the quality and effectiveness of services provided to all ABC Program insureds by:
  • Conveying coverage form and program concerns received from insureds and the Brokers Committee to the Coordinating Broker and Lead Underwriters.
  • Challenging and offering recommended improvements to all processes associated with the program's operation.
  • Promote the program at the annual conference to improve the program's spread of risk and perpetuate its use.
  • Promote the use of ABC’s defense counsel product integrity seminars available at no cost to insureds.
  • Participate in the coordination of the ABC Annual Fall Conference.
  • Manage the financial affairs and fiscal budgeting of the ABC.

ABC Board of Trustees

President - Joseph Gaug

Albany International Corp.

Vice President and Treasurer -

David McClain

PPG Industries, Inc.

Secretary - Dana Wasto

Chromalloy Corporation

   Trustee - Marc O'Casal


Trustee - Stacia Boden
Wichita State University

Trustee - Kevin Kucenski
Hitchiner Manufacturing

Trustee - Deidre Lloyd


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